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About Us – iftiin

About Us

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Somalia Solar

Iftiin, meaning light in Somali, was founded in 2014 to decrease poverty and improve the quality of life for millions of low-income Somali households through the introduction of sustainable energy solutions.

Iftiin has built a strong reputation as a ‘go to’ in Somalia for consultancy and implementation in off grid solutions. We have hands on experience and have developed the knowledge, experience and local private sector partnerships to help support you to manage and minimise the risks associated in this challenging environment.

Deforestation in Somalia has been devastating, with wood mainly being used for lighting and cooking, or to produce charcoal as the vast majority of Somalia’s population are low-income households are the using firewood.

Access to electricity is Somalia is more or less limited to the main urban areas and peri-urban areas through diesel generators. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), as a secure modern cooking fuel, is still emerging and not accessible to the population outside of the major cities.

The main energy sources used for cooking is dominated by charcoal and firewood, the cause of environmental problems as the vegetative cover is destroyed when gathering the fuel source. 

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