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Team – iftiin


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Jeremy Wyatt

After working in the City of London for 20 years bulding a successful career consulting in the finance sector, Jeremy relocated to Kenya and has since launched a number of companies and initiatives. His motivation is to promote economic growth and reduce poverty in developing countries through Private Sector Development (PSD). In bringing projects to life, he undertakes detailed research and establishes strong links with the private sector, donors, NGOs and ministries. Living and working out of Nairobi, his main focus is in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.
Jeremy has a strong sense of duty for building sustainable and environmentally conscious solutions in developing countries ensuing the creation of Iftiin (meaning light in Somali).


Paul Simkin

has worked in the Horn of Africa for the past 20 years, with the European Commission, United Nations and specialist conflict mediation organisations.  Paul specializes in peace building and governance, he has played an active role in the work around Kenya’s post election violence, conflict in the great lakes region and the protracted Somali crisis.
Paul has done a wide range of governance related work, from electoral support, parliamentary assistance, local governance through to institutional capacity support.  He is currently managing the UN’s support to Somali government’s local governance programmes, striving to improve representation, accountability and services for the women and men of Somalia.
Paul has maintained a personal commitment to environmental protection and is one of the founding members of Nkwichi lodge www.nkwichi.com and www.theforest.co.ke


Lino Carcoforo

Lino is a  development professional with over 7 years of experience working across the Somali region and Kenya, specialising in market development and value chain analysis with emphasis on the ‘Making Markets Work for the Poor Approach’. His most recent experience with the Somalia Stability Fund has ensured that Lino is well-versed in the analysis of the vibrant market sectors in Somalia and that he has undertaken, not only analysis on key productive sectors including fisheries and energy, but can also provide technical assistance in the structuring of financing methods and conducting due-diligence on Somali-run businesses. 
Lino is experienced in leading, developing and executing strategy for early and growth stage businesses. In Kenya he was the co-founder of the ‘Innovation 4 Africa Fund’. In Somalia he worked on the Somalia Youth Livelihood Project devising a successful framework to involve Somalia youth more actively in the private sector.


Mohamed A. Abdi

Mohamed is the Private Sector Team leader at Somali Public Private Dialogue (PPD) platform that is supported by International Financial Corporation (IFC) of World Bank Group and other members of the international community. He is a tireless and fearless advocate and promoter of sills-in-demand and vocational programs within our educational system and a high powered and energetic community and business organizer with the capacity of managing people and processes – formal or informal, planned or spontaneous. Acting as the current President of the Galmudug Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the official spokesperson of the Somali Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mohamed is relentless in his support for private sector initiatives that encourage economic growth and improvements of livelihoods across Somalia.

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